Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL)

Articles and news about Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories(SEL) microgrid products and services.
Photo: Doug Sanford, Microgrid Knowledge
Jeffrey Schlegelmilch, Director for the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia Climate School, Columbia University and author of Rethinking Readiness: A Brief Guide to Twenty-First-Century Megadisasters, delivers the keynote at Microgrid 2022. Photo: Doug Sanford, Microgrid Knowledge

Now available! View Microgrid 2022 on demand

Aug. 8, 2022
If you couldn’t attend Microgrid 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this past June, good news. We captured every session on video and it’s now available for you to view on demand...


Key Microgrid Trends Impacting the New Energy Landscape

Feb. 10, 2025
As we enter 2025, microgrids are driving the evolution of the New Energy Landscape, fueled by advancements in renewable energy and smart technology. I see several transformati...

SEL executive discusses California microgrid reliability

Oct. 27, 2021
What make microgrids reliable and how can we prevent them from suffering the same fate as the bulk electric system? Check out this Microgrid California interview with Scott Manson...

Autoconfiguration of Microgrid Controls

May 27, 2020
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory and U.S. Army Research Laboratories have developed a new interoperable communications standard for controlling...
Andy Haun, senior vice president and chief technology officer, microgrids, Schneider Electric

Microgrids: Achieving Reliable Power for Our Most Critical Facilities

Dec. 16, 2019
As recent events have shown, power outages don’t discriminate, which puts hospitals and their patients at grave risk. Schneider Electric’s Andy Haun explores how healthcare microgrids...
Scott Manson, SEL Engineering Services technology director at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories

Adapting Protection to Island Mode Operation of Microgrids

Oct. 2, 2017
The challenges of protection coordination for island mode operation of microgrids vary per the grid topology and the generation sources such as photovoltaics, reciprocating diesel...

Post Irma: Will the Southeast become the New Northeast for Microgrids?

Sept. 15, 2017
Microgrids are on the rise in the U.S., but not quickly enough for the millions in the Southeast who lost power this week – and continue to have none days later — following Hurricane...

Analysis: Will the Perry Study Actually Help Microgrids and Energy Storage?

Aug. 25, 2017
Microgrids and energy storage improve electric reliability. So it was perplexing to see how little ink they got in a major study on grid reliability issued this week by the U....
Scott Manson, SEL Engineering Services technology director at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories

Driving Complexity out of Microgrid Design

July 10, 2017
SEL’s Scott Manson says there’s a cry for simplicity in microgrid design. “We need microgrid power systems that don’t take a team of Ph.D.s to assemble.”