Online Editorial Guidelines Target Audience
Our target audience includes executives, engineers, superintendents, supervisors, sustainability managers and energy procurement specialists in commercial and industrial companies as well as mission critical services such as the military, health care and emergency and public safety services. These entities include manufacturers, transportation services, retail and public officials, as well as regulators, consultants and contractors.
Of particular interest are articles: (1) describing problems encountered and how they have been solved, (2) featuring an unusual installation or engineering application and (3) presenting labor-saving/cost-saving methods or designs.
Articles with the most impact are from the perspective of a end-use customer rather than that of consultants, manufacturers, or suppliers which have a product to sell. Stories will be edited for overtly commercial language to present a vendor-neutral perspective.
Case study article for digital publication: Microgrid Knowledge’s preferred content type. Please prepare a 500 to 1,500-word article on how a customer and development partner is building an on-site energy project which helps meet sustainability and power resiliency goals. It also can focus on trends and the use of specifics technologies or methods to achieve the customer’s energy security goals. Please do not be afraid to include challenges, obstacles and what did and didn’t work. Include relevant images and diagrams. Co-authors can include contractors and consulting firms or consulting divisions of major firms.
Commentary/thought leadership: Prepare a 800-word article on a pressing issue in the industry. What problems do we have? What are your ideas to solve them? Or write about a trend you have observed and how it will change or better the industry.
For more information, contact Managing Editor Rod Walton at [email protected].