What Microgrids Offer the Golden State Could Prove a Golden Opportunity Globally

Nov. 9, 2024
The solution to these problems isn’t more transmission lines or fossil-fuel-powered peaker plants. The solution is decentralizing the grid, making it more flexible, resilient, and sustainable. This is where microgrids come into play.

As we face the harsh reality of climate change, there is near-universal agreement—or at least near-universal lip service—that we must reverse this global crisis.

Thoughtful observers overwhelmingly agree that rapidly reducing our reliance on fossil fuels is essential to the survival of human civilization.

Yet, many questions remain: how do we transition to renewable energy sources like wind and solar when they aren't always reliable? How do we meet the energy demands of modern society, especially as electricity use continues to grow exponentially? The answers lie in rethinking how we produce and distribute energy, and the solution is already at our fingertips: microgrids.

The limits of the current grid

Before we dive into the benefits of microgrids, it’s crucial to understand the limitations of our current energy infrastructure. The U.S. operates on just three main power grids: one for the West Coast, one for the East Coast, and one for Texas. These centralized grids rely on massive power plants—most of which burn fossil fuels—and an extensive network of transmission lines to distribute electricity over long distances.

This centralized system has several significant drawbacks: First, it’s highly inefficient. As electricity travels long distances, a significant portion of that power is wasted by line losses, meaning we must generate more power to meet the same demand. Second, these power lines are vulnerable to disruption. In California, faulty power lines have been responsible for some of the state’s most devastating wildfires. As a result, when a single line or substation fails, it can knock out power for millions of people.

To make matters worse, our centralized grids are ill-equipped to handle the growing electricity demand. As more people switch to electric vehicles and energy-hungry technologies like air conditioning, the strain on our aging infrastructure increases. This leads to more frequent blackouts and brownouts, which many Californians are all too familiar with. Just recently, parts of the state experienced rolling four-hour outages—another reminder of the grid’s fragility.

The solution to these problems isn’t more transmission lines or fossil-fuel-powered peaker plants. The solution is decentralizing the grid, making it more flexible, resilient, and sustainable. This is where microgrids come into play.

What Is a microgrid?

A microgrid is a localized energy system operating independently or in conjunction with the larger grid. These systems generate, store, and distribute electricity within a defined geographic area—a single building, a neighborhood, an entire city, one or more counties, or an entire region. Unlike the centralized grid, which relies on long-distance transmission lines to deliver power from remote power generation facilities, a microgrid produces power close to where it’s needed, eliminating the inefficiencies and vulnerabilities of the traditional grid infrastructure.

One of the most significant advantages of microgrids is their ability to “island,” or operate independently of the larger grid. This means a microgrid can continue providing electricity to its users during a power outage, even if the central grid goes down. This independence makes microgrids incredibly resilient during natural disasters like storms, fires, and earthquakes, which frequently cause widespread blackouts in centralized grid systems.

However, microgrids are not just about reliability; they are also about flexibility. Imagine a honeycomb structure where each cell is a microgrid. These cells can operate independently, but they can also share power with neighboring cells. If one microgrid has excess energy, it can send that power to another in need—without relying on long-distance transmission lines. This interconnection creates a robust, flexible network that can withstand disruptions and ensure a stable electricity supply.

The power of microgrids

Microgrids offer a revolutionary way to meet energy demands while supporting our transition away from fossil fuels. Unlike the traditional centralized grid system, power is generated some distance from the user and transmitted over long distances.

A microgrid, by contrast, is a localized network that relies primarily on the renewable energy resources optimally available in that microgrid’s specific geographic location. It generates and distributes electricity within a defined geographic area—ranging from a single building to an entire community. These systems can function independently or be connected to larger grids connecting cells on all sides, giving them incredible flexibility.

With each cell or microgrid touching the next, power can flow seamlessly from one cell to another. This interconnected structure eliminates the need for long-distance power lines, which are costly, prone to failure, and responsible for most of California’s devastating forest fires.  As noted above, microgrids can “island,” meaning they continue to operate independently even when the larger grid goes down, making them much more resilient to disruptions caused by storms, fires, or earthquakes.

An example of the power of microgrids can be seen in San Diego during a major wildfire a few years ago. The city was on the brink of a total grid failure. Still, thanks to the microgrid at the University of California at San Diego, the city “borrowed” seven megawatts of power, stabilizing the entire system with the flick of a switch. This is the beauty of microgrids—each is an independent power producer, yet they can work together when needed.

Hydrogen fuel cells: The key to reliable, clean energy

Hydrogen fuel cells provide a reliable way to store and distribute renewable energy within microgrids. Unlike traditional batteries, which degrade over time and require recharging, fuel cells can continuously produce electricity as long as they have a fuel supply. And because hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it offers an almost limitless energy source.

Hydrogen fuel cells are not only efficient but also incredibly clean. They produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water as the only byproduct. This makes hydrogen fuel cells an ideal solution for storing excess energy generated by solar and wind power. When the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing, microgrids can rely on hydrogen fuel cells to keep the lights on.

The role of geothermal energy

While solar and wind are the most well-known renewable energy sources, they are not the only options for powering microgrids. Geothermal energy—harnessing the heat from the Earth’s core—is another powerful and underutilized resource. The United States has vast geothermal potential, particularly in states like California and Hawaii, where volcanic activity provides easy access to the Earth’s heat.

Geothermal energy is incredibly reliable because, unlike solar and wind, it’s available 24/7. By tapping into this constant source of power, we can create microgrids that are not only resilient but also independent of the weather. Geothermal energy was successfully used for more than 50 years at the top-secret China Lake naval research facility in California. The facility ran entirely on artificially generated geothermal energy, demonstrating the viability of this technology for long-term, sustainable power generation.

Overcoming the utility monopoly

Despite the clear advantages of microgrids, widespread adoption has been slow. One of the main barriers is the utility companies themselves. These companies have a vested interest in maintaining the centralized grid system because they profit every time we use electricity. They control the transmission lines and the power. Microgrids, by contrast, empower local communities to generate and manage their own energy, reducing the need for large utilities and their fossil-fueled infrastructure.

But change is coming. As the costs of renewable energy technologies like solar panels, wind turbines, and hydrogen fuel cells continue to fall, microgrids are becoming more affordable and accessible. Political, economic, and social pressures are also driving this change, as communities demand cleaner, more reliable energy solutions that don’t rely on fossil fuels or contribute to climate change.

Economic and environmental benefits

Microgrids save money. Take the aforementioned UC San Diego microgrid, which provides 42 megawatts of power—the equivalent of powering 42,000 homes. This system saves the university over $800,000 a month, or nearly $10 million annually, and acts as an electricity cost hedge as utility rates rise. Moreover, because these systems can operate independently, they eliminate the need for costly, maintenance-heavy transmission lines, reducing both the financial burden and the environmental impact of traditional power grids.

Microgrids also support the integration of renewable energy. By pairing them with storage solutions like hydrogen fuel cells, microgrids can store excess solar or wind power for use when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. The hydrogen that feeds the fuel cell acts like a battery, perpetually on “stand by,” waiting to be consumed, just like the gas in your automobile’s gas tank is pulled into the combustion chambers of that car. As the fuel cell receives the hydrogen, it continually produces steadily increasing power “on demand.”

Hydrogen as an energy storage mechanism is abundant and clean, offering a sustainable energy source that doesn’t add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere when processed through a fuel cell to create electricity.

The future of storage

As noted above, fuel cell-assisted microgrids are a game-changer for energy storage. The hydrogen molecules provide a reliable, efficient way to store and distribute renewable electrical energy within microgrids. Unlike traditional batteries, which degrade over time and need recharging, fuel cells continually produce electricity without losing capacity. And hydrogen, as a fuel, is not only abundant but also poses no environmental danger. It is, in fact, the cleanest energy source available.

Microgrids combined with hydrogen fuel cells could end our reliance on dirty, fossil-fueled peaker plants—those inefficient backup generators that kick in during periods of high demand, adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Peaker plants are little more than jet engines strapped to concrete blocks, pumping out pollution to keep the lights on when our aging grid can’t meet demand. Microgrids eliminate the need for these outdated systems by providing a cleaner, more reliable backup.

The end of California’s centralized grid?

California’s centralized grid is outdated, causes over 80% of California's wildfires, is inefficient, and is dangerously prone to failure. There are power lines crisscrossing the state, and many towers in advanced conditions of disrepair, causing fires and blackouts. These lines are also limited in their ability to handle the increasing strain caused by the rise of electric vehicles and the growing use of air conditioning. As a result, the state experiences rolling blackouts—many of which are planned to prevent grid overloads. However, the solution is not to build more fossil-fueled backup plants or power lines. The solution is microgrids.

Microgrids provide localized power production and distribution without the need for long-distance transmission. They are more reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly than the current grid. Additionally, they are infinitely scalable. From small community systems to networks that power entire cities and regions, microgrids offer a path to a resilient, sustainable future.

Conclusion: A clean energy future

We are now witnessing the exponential acceleration of global warming, with environmental feedback loops making the effects of climate change even more severe. California has a unique opportunity to transition from the current centralized, inefficient 19th-century power system to a 21st-century energy model built on a network of interconnected microgrids. These microgrids, powered by renewable energy and backed by hydrogen fuel cell technology, can replace the aging grid that is increasingly unable to meet our energy demands.

The beauty of microgrids is their low cost, simplicity, efficiency, modularity, and resilience. They offer a path to a clean energy future—one that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels or contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The sooner we embrace this technology, the sooner we can end our reliance on dirty energy and build a sustainable, resilient future for California and beyond.

The energy revolution has already begun. Now, it’s up to us to broaden it in order to supplant carbon-based fuels with fuel cell-supported microgrids. Best of all, they can be built incrementally one piece at a time and the energy captured by the completed piece will instantly act to reduce harmful greenhouse gases for the whole.

About the Author

Rinaldo Brutoco, CEO of World Business Academy

Rinaldo Brutoco, founding president and CEO of the World Business Academy, is a successful entrepreneur, executive, author, radio host and futurist. He has published numerous cutting-edge articles and books that address the role and responsibility of business in relation to the critical moral, environmental and social concerns of the day.

Brutoco is a regular keynote speaker at conferences and guest lecturer at business schools such as Stanford Business School, the Columbia Graduate School of Business, the Kellogg Graduate Business School at Northwestern University and the Keenan-Flagler Graduate School of Business at North Carolina University. For over 35 years, he has been widely recognized as a practical visionary and change agent.



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