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Powering Up Safety and Efficiency: Electronic Permitting for T&D and Microgrids

Sept. 25, 2024
Join our webinar to discover how electronic permitting and safety technologies can eliminate bureaucratic bottlenecks, enhance safety, and drive operational efficiencies in transmission, distribution, and microgrid operations

This webinar was originally held on September 25, 2024.

Now available for On Demand viewing! 

Duration: 1 hour
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Resilient and cost-effective energy delivery is a key driver in every sector of the economy. More and more, customers are turning to distributed energy resources, microgrids and energy delivery upgrades to create more sustainability and certainty in their energy connection. Downtime is not an option.

Project development and commissioning, however, are complicated and can be frustrating due to layers of regulatory and interconnection requirements. Customers need expert help in bringing electric delivery projects into operational in a timely, impactful way.

Are you tired of bureaucratic bottlenecks and safety risks hampering your transmission, distribution, and microgrid operations? Don't let outdated processes hold you back. Join us for this webinar to explore how electronic permitting and safety technologies and processes transform safety management and drive operational efficiencies. 
In this webinar, you'll learn: 

  • Best practices to enhance safety protocols and ensure regulatory compliance. 
  • How to improve operational efficiencies and reduce downtime. 
  • Techniques for real-time collaboration between field teams and management. 
  • How to ensure uninterrupted operations in both connected and offline scenarios. 

This webinar offers invaluable insights for T&D and Microgrid professionals looking to optimize safety, efficiency, and compliance and secure their competitive edge in the rapidly evolving electric power landscape. 


Nick Breedlove
Senior Solutions Engineer
Prometheus Group

Nick Breedlove is a Senior Solutions Engineer at Prometheus Group specializing in Environmental Health and safety (EHS) solutions. With a strong background in software and engineering, Nick's expertise lies in manufacturing and construction. His professional journey started in the realm of manufacturing operations and engineering, where he was a manufacturing engineer at Altec Industries. In this capacity, he dedicated himself to enhancing process safety and improving efficiency in the manufacturing environment. You can connect with him on LinkedIn. 

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