
Without Digital There Will be No Energy Transition

May 7, 2020
Part of the energy transition process will be navigating our way through the changes to rebuild our current global energy systems. This report explains why digitization is the key to a successful transition. 

We have a world that’s changing. A population increasing. And a fundamental need for energy that’s conservatively projected to increase by around 10%  by 2030. But how do we produce more energy while lowering our carbon emissions? How do we scale up our renewables to the levels and reliability required? How do our heavy industries decarbonize? How do we create a sustainable industry for our future workforce? And, how do we do all of this as quickly as possible? In other words, what does the coming energy transition look like.

The answer is, technology. Because without technology, there’s no way we will achieve the scale required for a low carbon future.

By now, most of us have settled into the idea of an energy transition. We all know that we need to move away from fossil fuels and towards a sustainable energy future. And that part of this energy transition process will be working out how to navigate our way through the changes to rebuild our current global energy systems.

These changes could take decades. But the only way they’ll be possible is through digitalization.