Opponents are trying to block a microutilities proposal in California with self-serving “the sky-is-falling” arguments, says Sunnova, the plan’s architect.
As we enter 2025, microgrids are driving the evolution of the New Energy Landscape, fueled by advancements in renewable energy and smart technology. I see several transformati...
Brooklyn Microgrid, the first energy project in the United States to use blockchain technology for energy transactions, is trying to win regulatory approval that would make it...
PowerGen Renewable Energy, a leading player in Sub-Saharan Africa’s fledgling, but fast growing microgrid, minigrid and micro-utilities industry acquired the Tanzanian microgrid...
A push is on to bring electricity to the nearly one billion people who lack it worldwide. But if you build it will they come? Apparently not, as some minigrid developers are finding...
Minigrids represent a $20 billion business opportunity in Nigeria and a chance to improve the lives of over half the population, which remain without electricity, according to...
As energy insiders gathered in Chicago last week at Microgrid 2018, three events unfolded that signal how microgrid growth may take shape in the coming months and years.
A recent FERC ruling gives energy storage its biggest boost in years, and buoys microgrids along the way, by granting storage more access to revenue from competitive wholesale...