
Distributed Energy Systems Case Studies Spotlight Worley Battery Energy Storage & Microgrids

May 7, 2020
This report from Worley Group walks readers through three case studies from Worley distributed energy systems projects involving battery energy storage systems, solar microgrid and university microgrids.

This report from Worley Group walks readers through three case studies from Worley distributed energy systems projects involving battery energy storage systems, solar microgrid and university microgrids. Are any of these top of mind for your company? See below for a brief introduction to these threee projects.

Worley protects community with battery energy storage systems: Through a lump sum EPC approach, we delivered two battery energy storage system (BESS) installations for the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) in Eugene, Oregon.

Worley ensures resilience with solar microgrid for community center: We will help Miller Community Center in Seattle, Washington stay operational during emergency events and planned outages by installing a battery energy storage system (BESS), solar panels, and microgrid controls.

Worley advances energy efficiency and research with university microgrid: Worley is delivering a microgrid to the University of Toronto (Canada) that reduces energy costs and provides power resilience and reliability. It also fulfills the university’s unique vision to conduct research and development on various approaches to EV charging.

The full report outlines the above three Worley distributed energy systems case studies in full.