
Renewable Offshore Power for Islanded Oil & Gas Platform

May 6, 2021
Potential benefits of supplementing fossil fuel based power generation with renewable energy is explored in this theoretical case study where a power generation controller algorithm gives renewable energy a higher priority.

Offshore oil & gas drilling platforms are typically isolated systems with onsite generation primarily consisting of gas turbines. These turbines have an energy conversion efficiency comparable to renewable energy (wind and solar) conversion technology, around 30%, versus onshore gas turbines with efficiency greater than 50%. Climate change is the key driver to revisit CO2 and NOX emissions from these gas turbines near pristine ocean waters and replace them with clean energy as the primary generation source. Potential benefits of supplementing fossil fuel based power generation with renewable energy is explored in this theoretical case study where a power generation controller algorithm is developed such that renewable energy is given higher priority and energy ‘gaps/dips’ are filled in by fossil fuel. Further optimization of energy usage and higher wind energy penetration is analyzed with the use of energy storage device.