The U.S. Department of Energy is offering up to $7 million for tribal energy efficiency, renewables, community energy and similar projects on tribal lands.
Issued July 16, the request for proposals seeks projects that reduce reliance on fossil fuel and promote economic development.
In particular, the RFP focuses on:
Tribal Building Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Retrofits
These are projects that install facility-scale clean energy, such as natural gas combined heat and power or renewables to displace electrical, heating, or cooling loads by at least 15 percent. This category also includes deep energy retrofits that reduce building energy by at least 20 percent. The DOE anticipates making awards that range from $50,000 to $500,000 in this area.
Community-Scale Clean Energy Deployment
These clean energy systems can provide electricity, heating, or cooling to many buildings or to an entire tribal community. The must generate at least 50 kW and use commercially-warrantied technology. The DOE anticipates making awards of $250,000 to $1 million in this category
Bidders must agree to share 50 percent of costs with money from non-federal sources (unless otherwise allowed by law).
Tribal lands are important from an energy perspective because they make up almost two percent of U.S. land, but contain about five percent of all the nation’s renewable energy.
The DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable will hold a webinar on the RFP will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m., Aug. 14. Space is limited; register here.
Applications are due 5 p.m., Oct. 2. The EERE expects to notify those it will negotiate contracts with on Jan. 9. The contact for questions about the RFP is: Email [email protected]. The money will be awarded in the form of grants.
The RFP is available via EERE’s Exchange website and the Tribal Energy Program website. Applications must be submitted through EERE Exchange.