Final Day of Microgrid 2021 Features Launch of New Coalition to Advance Microgrids and a Peak into the Future of the Technology

May 30, 2021
The final week of Microgrid 2021, a free virtual conference, brings two important announcements for the microgrid community, along with lively panel discussions that will focus on a vision — and action — for the future.

The final week of Microgrid 2021, a free virtual conference, brings two important announcements for the microgrid community, along with lively panel discussions that will focus on a vision — and action — for the future.

“The audience will find this week particularly interesting and relevant as our speakers look at how microgrids are improving people’s lives, ways microgrids can shape the future of electric power, and how to make it all happen,” said Elisa Wood, editor-in-chief of Microgrid Knowledge.

Microgrid Knowledge will present the three winners of the 2021 Microgrid Greater Good Awards June 1. The award showcases the humanitarian and societal benefits of microgrids. Through interviews, videos and webinars, the session will include a deep look at the work of each winner.

On June 3, companies leading the way to improve electric reliability with microgrids will launch a new coalition to represent the industry in the US at the state and federal levels. Called Think Microgrid, the coalition will fill the need for a coordinated voice supporting the fast-growing microgrid sector in critical policy, legislative and regulatory discussions underway.

“Tune into this session and participate in the Q&A following the announcement to voice your views on how policy and regulation can drive the microgrid market forward,” Wood said.

Other highlights of the week include a panel of speakers who are working on remote microgrids throughout the world, a webinar on microgrid technologies that foretell the future, and a workshop on creating a microgrid that stands the test of time.

To participate in this week’s sessions, it’s necessary to register the day before the session. 

Microgrid 2021 registrants also may watch free replay through June 3 of any session they missed over the last three weeks.

Here is the agenda for the final week of Microgrid 2021. See more details on Microgrid 2021.

June 1, 11 to 12 p.m. EST

Announcement of Annual Greater Good Award Winners 2021

Microgrid Knowledge will present awards to three projects selected by a panel of independent judges for their ability to tell the story of how microgrids serve society. The winners will have an opportunity to discuss their projects.

June 1, 12 to 1 p.m. EST

Network with Microgrid Solutions Experts

Customize your agenda, check out the Microgrid Resources Library or visit our exhibitor hall where you can meet 1 on 1 with over 35 microgrid solutions experts.

June 1, 12:15 to 1 p.m. EST

Workshop: Ensure Your Microgrid Weathers the Storm

Discover keys to a reliable and resilient microgrid that will stand the test of time and power through the storm.

Moderator: Kevin Normandeau, Publisher, Microgrid Knowledge

Speaker: Thomas Poteet, Vice President, Corporate Development, MESA Solutions

June 1, 1 to 2 p.m. EST

New Strategies to Hasten Microgrid Adoption in Remote Regions

More than 800 million people worldwide still lack reliable power, most of them in developing countries. What will it take to electrify these regions with microgrids, minigrids and nanogrids? Here’s a look at strategies to speed the process. (Panel discussion)

Moderator: Will Heegaard, Operations Director, Footprint Project


  • Oscar Aitchison, Power Systems Engineer, Engineering & Operations, Okra Solar, “Engineering in a Typhoon — Deploying Community DC Nanogrids in Southeast Asia”
  • Gwen Holdmann, Director, Alaska Center for Energy, University of Alaska, “Developing a Market for Hybrid Renewable Microgrids from the Ground Up”
  • Samantha Childress, Solutions Architect Manager, Microgrid & DER, Schneider Electric, “Providing Clean and Reliable Power for Health Clinics in Kenya”
  • Jesse Gerstin, Director, Sustainable Business Development, SimpliPhi Power, “Rolling Out Microgrids to 760 Communities in Cameroon”
  • Zihe Menge, Senior Associate African Energy, RMI

June 3, 11 to 12 p.m. EST

Microgrids that Foretell the Future

Three presentations featuring microgrids in planning or development that are using innovative technologies or business models, offering insight into microgrids of the future. (Webinar)

Moderator: AJ Perkins, President, Instant ON


  • David Bliss, CEO, Charge Bliss, “Toward Total, Prolonged Support of Critical Hospital Power Using a Multi-DER Microgrid”
  • Brandon Bowser, Energy Program Manager, Maryland Energy Administration, “Real World Resiliency Planning for Higher Education: Frostburg State University”
  • Al Delia, Vice President for Regional Development and Engagement – Frostburg State University
  • Len Jornlin, President & CEO – Optimize Renewables
  • Scott Dwyer, Research Principal at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney, “MyTown Microgrid, Heyfield Victoria”

June 3, 12 to 1 p.m. EST

Network with Microgrid Solutions Experts

Visit the Microgrid Resources Library where you can access dozens of free reports and white papers to help you plan your microgrid strategy or swing by the exhibitor hall and request a 1 on 1 meeting with any of 35+ microgrid solutions experts.

June 3, 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. EST

Announcement: Think Microgrid

Learn about a new microgrid advocacy coalition. Participate in live Q&A.

  • Focused collaboration of leading companies and thought leaders sharing a common vision
  • Pooled resources to create educational tools and shape regulatory discussions (or have them shaped by others)
  • An established unified industry voice for media and to lead constructive regulatory and public policy discussions
  • Public affairs initiative to complement and coordinate (not replace) existing advocacy efforts

June 3, 1 to 2 p.m. EST

How Microgrids Will Change the Way We Make, Deliver and Use Energy

Our grand finale session where energy visionaries and thought leaders offer their predictions on smart cities, the grid of microgrids, electrification and other revolutionary changes influenced by the microgrid worldview. (Panel discussion)

Discussion leader: Steve Pullins, Chief Technology Officer, AlphaStruxure


  • Mike Byrnes, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, SourceOne
  • Ravi Pradhan, Vice President, Technical Solutions – Siemens Energy Management, Digital Grid Siemens
  • Clark Wiedetz, Chief Sales Officer, GreenStruxure
  • Marshall Worth, Senior Product Manager, AI, PowerSecure

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