Compass Energy Platform and Greener by Design to Team Up on Microgrids, Resilience Projects

Sept. 24, 2021
A new partnership formed by New Jersey’s Greener by Design and California-based Compass Energy Platform plans to build microgrids and resilient clean energy projects in various locations throughout the US.

New Jersey’s Greener by Design (GbD) and California-based Compass Energy Platform have formed a new partnership to build microgrids and resilient clean energy projects in various locations throughout the US.

The partners intend to provide a one-stop shop offering a wide range of services: financing, project design, regulatory insight, project management and stakeholder engagement to support communities in a variety of locations nationwide, according to the announcement on Sept. 21.

“Our co-development partnership with Greener by Design allows us to do what we do best, while GbD continues to focus on the planning and implementation work required by various project stakeholders, including the utilities and regulators,” said Rick Bolton, CEO of Compass Energy Platform.

Compass Energy Platform develops and finances distributed energy assets, including microgrids, solar, wind, battery storage, combined heat and power, fuel cells, resilient electric vehicle fleet charging and smart city assets.

Compass’ approach is rooted in public/private partnerships and resilience/energy-as-a-service power purchase agreements. The company said it views projects in a broad context that starts with energy markets and grid value and runs to community resilience, climate change, greenhouse gas reduction and economic development.

Greener by Design has helped develop and implement sustainability, resiliency, environmental, social and governance goals, and energy master plans throughout the United States.

“Our projects help stabilize our clients’ energy systems, bringing them resilience, sustainability, carbon reduction and economic vitality,” said Adam Zellner, president of Greener by Design. “Many public and private clients feel they have lost the ability to plan and grow due to the ever-increasing intensity and frequency of storms and power fluctuations.”

Added Chuck Feinberg, executive vice president of Greener by Design, “Given the support in Washington now for next-generation energy infrastructure, it is precisely the right time for this partnership between Compass and Greener by Design.”

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About the Author

Sharon Bennett

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