A new report from RMI and Virtual Power Plant Partnership (VP3), concludes that VPPs can reduce costs and carbon emissions while also maintaining reliable grid operations.
Last month, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) said that U.S. power grids are becoming more susceptible to cyberattacks every day, with vulnerable attack...
Cherian pointed out that all of the activities engaged in scaling up the microgrid solution may be intertwined with one united goal—merging sustainability with resiliency--but...
Utilities are recognizing the financial, safety, renewables integration and reliability benefits of microgrids. This is especially true as the number of storms and hurricanes ...
Tom Poteet, vice president of corporate development at Mesa Solutions, explores how microgrids and distributed generation can solve three major power problems customers face.
Connecticut has proposed a series of measures to ensure utilities consider non-wires alternatives, among them incentives, competitive bids from third parties, and a way to evaluate...