About ABB


More Info on ABB

ABB is a leading global technology company in power and automation that enables utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 135,000 people. Our company is a pioneering technology leader that works closely with utility, industry, transport and infrastructure customers in roughly 100 countries. With more than four decades at the forefront of digital technologies, we are a leader in digitally connected and enabled industrial equipment and systems with an installed base of more than 70,000 control systems connecting 70 million devices. DIANE DE SAINT VICTOR, GENERAL COUNSEL Our company is committed to fostering a culture where integrity is woven into the fabric of everything we do. Our company Code of Conduct is the framework that explains the behavior ABB expects of every employee and stakeholder around the world. It is based on ABB's business principles: responsibility, respect and determination. We employees and stakeholders apply these business principles to their work and actions on a daily basis. Our principles are about providing our customers affordable products and services without compromising on quality or reliability. But they are also about doing the right thing more generally – following the law, acting honorably and treating each other with respect. The ABB Code of Conduct provides a framework for employees and stakeholders to put business principles into practice with utmost integrity. It is the foundation so that everything we do in connection to our work at ABB should be, and will be, measured against the highest possible standards of ethics and integrity.

Unconditional commitment

We relentlessly set our standards higher for practical as well as ambitious reasons: our unconditional commitment to integrity helps us hire the best people, who develop and provide great products and services, which in turn attracts loyal customers and business partners. Trust and mutual respect among ABB employees and stakeholders is the core of our success, and they must be earned on a daily basis. Employees are expected to read the ABB Code of Conduct and use it in their day-to-day work, always keeping in mind that they each have a personal responsibility to incorporate the principles – and encourage others to incorporate the principles – into their actions. It is available in more than 40 languages to assure its accessibility to everyone at ABB. Employees who have questions or concerns, or who think that one of their colleagues may be falling short of our commitment to the ABB Code of Conduct and to working with utmost integrity, are expected to speak up.

Articles & News


Choosing the Right Resources for Your Microgrid

July 6, 2021
During Microgrid 2021, Microgrid Knowledge asked several industry experts what you should consider in choosing the right resources for your microgrid. Here’s their advice.
Photo by stockimagesbank/

Microgrid Knowledge Names Finalists for Greater Good Awards

May 12, 2021
Microgrid Knowledge has released the names of the six finalists for this year’s Microgrid Greater Good Award. The three winners will be announced June 1, as part of Microgrid ...
Indonesia microgrid project courtesy of HItachi ABB

Greener Mining Microgrid from Hitachi ABB … Sony and LF Energy’s New Trading Platform…Emera and Novonix to Develop Battery Pack

Feb. 23, 2021
Greener mining from Hitachi ABB’s first microgrid in Indonesia … Sony and LF Energy release peer-to-peer microgrid platform … Emera Technologies and Novonix partner to develop...
By Song_about_summer/

The Ten Top Microgrid Stories for 2020 Indicate Rise in Curiosity About Microgrids Among Customers

Dec. 21, 2020
Microgrid Knowledge is seeing an influx of a new kind of reader to the site, as indicated by the ten top microgrid stories for 2020. We believe the shift reflects a larger trend...
By installing a battery-based microgrid, Cordova, Alaska was able to significantly decrease use of diesel fuel, a move made to protect the ecosystem and increase energy reliability for the remote fishing community. Photo courtesy of Hitachi ABB

What the $11B Hitachi ABB Joint Venture Means to Microgrids

July 6, 2020
Several global technology giants are vying to capture the fast-growing microgrid market, and now the coming together of two — Hitachi and ABB — could reconfigure the landscape...
By nmedia/

Today at the Microgrid Knowledge Virtual Conference: How Microgrids Reduce Costs, Cut Carbon and Ensure Power Supply in Tough Times & Places

June 3, 2020
Join us today for the third day of the Microgrid Knowledge Virtual Conference, as we explore how to cut costs and carbon while ensuring reliable supply.
Skagerak Arena. Courtesy of ABB

When a Roof Over Your Head is So Much More: The Skagerak Energilab

April 14, 2020
Often a storm or other disaster leads a business to install a microgrid. But for a Norwegian soccer club, the impetus emerged as they began to view their arena roof differently...
Couresy of ABB

Flash-Charging E-Bus System in China Expected to Charge in Seconds

Sept. 12, 2019
ABB and King Long Motor Group aim to develop a flash-charging system capable of charging e-buses in seconds, opening new opportunity for microgrids.
Advanced software intelligence can coordinate the operations of multiple DERs and sometimes multiple microgrids, even those with multiple system owners. (Photo: foxbat/Shutterstock)

Ontario First Nation Sets Clean Energy Milestone with Microgrid

Aug. 27, 2019
Gull Bay First Nation and utility partner Ontario Power Generation (OPG) set a clean energy milestone for off-grid Canadian indigenous communities recently with the commissioning...

Videos & Resources


Reliable and Affordable Power That Enables Substantial Energy Savings for an Industrial Site

May 29, 2020
Microgrids are increasingly being deployed to ensure local continuity of supply, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and defer large-scale grid investments in areas that have a weak...

Ensuring Reliable Power for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Sites

May 29, 2020
There are many different reasons for a grid to become unreliable, such as energy supply issues, weak infrastructure or extreme weather. Yet, the challenges for Commercial and ...

Unlocking New Revenue and Stabilising Large Electric Grids with Energy Storage

May 29, 2020
Download this report from ABB and learn how Grid Edge Solutions use microgrid functionalities to make it possible to make smarter investments in your network.
ABB Intro to Microgrids

Introduction to Microgrids

Aug. 24, 2016
Network downtimes, natural disasters and external attacks are just some of the reasons why a grid-connected facility may need to become temporarily independent. ABB‘s microgrid...
Renewable Energy ABB

Renewable Energy for Microgrids

Aug. 24, 2016
Today, a range of technologies is making the implementation of microgrids more attractive across a wide variety of applications. From the falling costs of solar power generation...
ABB Microgrid Design

Design of Industrial Microgrids

Aug. 24, 2016
With the growing integration of distributed generation (DG) into the grid, a reliable supply of power has become a concern, but it also offers new opportunities.
ABB Battery Microgrids

Battery Technology for Microgrids

Aug. 24, 2016
This white paper presents these results of a test of Grid Energy Storage Systems (GESS) technology, and discusses the future applications.

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All content from ABB

Battery System, Photo Courtesy ABB

ABB Wants to Boost Storage & Microgrid Activity with a $113-Million Fund

Feb. 11, 2019
ABB, a global technology company that specializes in power and automation, plans to boost energy storage and microgrid installations with a $113 million fund provided by Susi ...

10 Most-Read Articles on Microgrid Knowledge in 2018

Dec. 20, 2018
Our annual most-read microgrid articles list, a compilation of those that attracted the highest number of pageviews, offers insight into some of the big events and trends of the...
Photo by Mohamed Abdulraheem/

UK University Powers Microgrid with Non-Recyclable Plastic Waste

July 13, 2018
Powerhouse Energy Group has connected its plastic waste-to-energy process to a microgrid at the University of Chester’s Thornton Science Park. The proprietary technology offers...

Combined Heat and Power is the Dominant Microgrid Technology…For Now

Feb. 15, 2018
Combined heat and power (CHP) continues to be the dominant form of distributed energy installed in microgrids globally, but solar energy threatens to usurp its position by 2026...
Provided byvector images/

How 2017 Made the Argument for Microgrids

Jan. 2, 2018
Sometimes events make an argument more strongly than words can. Such was the case in 2017 when disaster after disaster spoke to the vulnerability of the electric grid and the ...

Most Read Microgrid Knowledge Stories of 2017 and the Companies Featured

Dec. 29, 2017
As we compiled this year’s list of most-read Microgrid Knowledge stories, we were intrigued to see what captured — and kept capturing — our readers’ attention. Storms, wildfires...

ABB Takes Microgrid Offshore…Who’s Top for C&I Storage?…King Offers DER Bill in Senate

Dec. 15, 2017
ABB to install microgrid on offshore oil platform…Report names top companies for C&I behind-the-meter storage…King offers legislation to encourage state DER policies

Solar Plus Storage Microgrid Up and Running at South Africa, UN World Heritage Site

Nov. 22, 2017
The Robben Island solar plus storage microgrid is expected to eliminate nine months worth of diesel fuel generation at the UN World Heritage Site.

$1.5 Billion Microgrid Market Opportunity Emerges in Kenya

Sept. 4, 2017
A confluence of innovation, risk taking, and public and private effort has created a five-year, $1.5 billion microgrid market opportunity in Kenya, leading Germany’s TFE Consulting...