TRUMPF Hüttinger


About TRUMPF Hüttinger


More Info on TRUMPF Hüttinger

TRUMPF Hüttinger is a leading global manufacturer for plasma applications, induction heating and CO2 laser excitation. Our portfolio offers a broad range of power supplies for processes requiring sources for DC, Radio Frequency, Microwave and Power Conversion. With the newly developed battery inverter TRUMPF Hüttinger provides the perfect solution for energy storage from modern energy sources. Configurable as a network, isolated or micro grid connection, the TruConvert Series from TRUMPF Hüttinger offers flexible solutions for many storage applications. With over 30 years of experience in developing high-quality power supply systems, we have developed a generation of inverters which combines all the requirements in the best possible way. The result: unbeatable flexibility with unbeatable coverage.

Videos & Resources


Single-Stage Three-Level Inverter Approach for Connecting High Voltage Batteries to the Grid

May 10, 2021
This paper discusses the requirements and dependencies for a single-stage approach that can save costs and increase system efficiency.

DC Coupling: the Efficient way of Connecting Storage and PV

May 10, 2021
With the decreasing cost of energy storage, PV-coupled storage applications are becoming more and more attractive for a broad range of applications, download this white paper ...

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