

About Ameresco


More Info on Ameresco

Ameresco, Inc. is a leading independent provider of comprehensive energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions for facilities throughout North America and the United Kingdom, delivering long-term value through innovative systems, strategies and technologies. Ameresco’s solutions range from upgrades to facility’s energy infrastructure to the development, construction and operation of renewable energy plants combined with tailored financial solutions. We work with customers on both sides of the meter to reduce operating expenses, upgrade and maintain facilities, stabilize energy costs, improve occupancy comfort levels, increase energy reliability and enhance the environment.

The Company was founded in 2000 by George Sakellaris, a pioneer in the energy service business. To best serve its wide-ranging clientele, Ameresco has regional offices located throughout North America and the United Kingdom. With dedicated energy and business professionals with years of experience and strong commitment to customer satisfaction and service, Ameresco offers you the resources needed to successfully plan, execute and even finance the energy program that will create real, sustained economic and operating benefits to fulfill your unique requirements.

Products & Press Releases

Jesse Kunerth/
Massachusetts State House. Photo by Jesse Kunerth/

Ameresco’s Michael Bakas appointed to Massachusetts AG transition team

Jan. 2, 2023
Bakas will be part of the Energy and Environment Bureau Team for Attorney General-elect Andrea Campbell, who ran on a climate and energy equity platform.

Articles & News

The Renewable Grid: Challenging the Status Quo Part 1

Dec. 11, 2023
Jim Bishop, vice president of advanced technology solutions at Ameresco, focuses on reliability and stability in the first of a two-part series.
Ameresco Hero Shot

Community Microgrids as a Pathway to Net Zero

May 24, 2023
Mike Bakas of Ameresco explains why communities need a trusted microgrid partner as they work to achieve net zero.
Image Source, Shutterstock

Smoothing the Road Ahead for EVs

April 28, 2023
Trevor Smith, Director – EV Infrastructure at Ameresco, discusses road ahead for electric vehicles and the intersection of microgrid power.
Source: deepstock/

Top 10 Microgrid White Papers of 2022 – Designing and Financing Microgrids

Dec. 21, 2022
Microgrid Knowledge’s top 10 microgrid white papers of 2022 came from energy leaders such as Rolls-Royce, Xendee, Cummins, Eaton, Mesa Solutions, Schneider Electric, PXiSE, Ameresco...
By Darryl Brooks/
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. By Darryl Brooks/

How Microgrids can Boost Economic Development for a Community and its Residents

Dec. 21, 2022
Jim Fonger, vice president of asset and advanced technology development for Ameresco, outlines how microgrids create local jobs and bolster local economies.
bombermoon via Getty Images
Microsoft Teams Image (121)

Mission clean, firm power: How firm renewables and microgrids are a critical component to a clean energy future

Nov. 22, 2022
Nicole Bulgarino, executive vice president and general manager of Federal Solutions at Ameresco, explains how firm renewables and microgrids can provide a critical component to...
The Inflation Reduction Act promises good things ahead for the microgrid industry. By Andrei Medvedev/

Resource page: Inflation Reduction Act and microgrids

Oct. 26, 2022
The Inflation Reduction Act is expected to reduce the cost of microgrids and drive industry growth. Track news on the IRA and its impact here.
Photo courtesy of Bloom Energy
Ameresco and Bloom Energy to take Taylor Farms off grid with microgrid. Taylor Farms’ San Juan Bautista, California facility.

Major North American food producer to exit the California grid

Sept. 21, 2022
More of our food is about to come from microgrid power. California’s Taylor Farms, a major North American fresh food producer, is building a microgrid in partnership with Bloom...
Alan Budman/
McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Joint Base Air Show.

New Jersey military base to install microgrid as part of $140 million energy project

Sept. 12, 2022
JBMDL, an Air Force, Army and Navy base in New Jersey, plans to build a microgrid as part of a multifaceted, multiyear energy upgrade.
Mark Fowler, director of government relations at Ameresco

Incentives and implementation: How policy informs the clean energy transition

Sept. 9, 2022
Mark Fowler, director of government relations at Ameresco, discusses how federal, state and local policies will impact the microgrid industry and the clean energy transition.

Videos & Resources


Beyond the Battery: Best Practices for Large-Scale Energy Storage Systems

Aug. 26, 2024
Learn the basics of battery energy storage systems (BESS) and uncover factors to consider before advancing with a front-of-the-meter storage project.

Powering Resiliency: The Microgrid at Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) Los Alamitos

May 17, 2024
Discover the impact of an integrated microgrid solution for JFTB Lost Alamitos and the Southern California region

QuickChat: Community Microgrids as a Pathway to NetZero

May 2, 2023
Watch this 10-minute QuickChat between Mike Bakas, Ameresco and Microgrid Knowledge’s Elisa Wood as they discuss the latest in community microgrids.

Top 5 Ways to Demonstrate Your Commitment to Sustainability

Feb. 1, 2023
Learn how to reduce carbon emissions, energy costs and energy usage for your campus in ways that address the climate concerns of students, faculty and the community.

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Microgrid Solution Provides Reliability When Off Is Not an Option

May 20, 2020
Get the new report that highlights how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Navy selected Ameresco to design and install three comprehensive energy conservation projects...

PIDC Increases Resiliency with a New 8 MW Natural-Gas Fired Peaking Plant at the Philadelphia Navy Yard

May 20, 2020
PIDC, Philadelphia’s public-private economic development corporation, partnered with Ameresco for a new 8 MW natural-gas fired peaking plant that anchors one of the largest private...

Parris Island Microgrid, Deep Energy Retrofit Reduced Utility Energy Demand by 75%

May 20, 2020
The United States Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island selected Ameresco in 2015 to deploy combined heat and power (CHP) and solar photovoltaic (PV) generation assets ...

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All content from Ameresco


5 tangible solutions to improve campus sustainability

Aug. 25, 2022
A new white paper from Ameresco explores how microgrids and other solutions can improve campus sustainability and demonstrate a school’s environmental commitment.
Photo: Doug Sanford, Microgrid Knowledge
Jeffrey Schlegelmilch, Director for the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia Climate School, Columbia University and author of Rethinking Readiness: A Brief Guide to Twenty-First-Century Megadisasters, delivers the keynote at Microgrid 2022. Photo: Doug Sanford, Microgrid Knowledge

Now available! View Microgrid 2022 on demand

Aug. 8, 2022
If you couldn’t attend Microgrid 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this past June, good news. We captured every session on video and it’s now available for you to view on demand...
Foxbat:shutterstock com

Green resiliency: Securing your stride in the race to net zero

Aug. 3, 2022
Bob Georgeoff and Leila Dillon of Ameresco outline some of the factors that are driving a growing number of organizations to set net-zero goals and how microgrids tie it all together...
Design master top/
Source: Design master top/

Ameresco executive discusses inflation, the military and the future of microgrids

July 1, 2022
Britta MacIntosh, senior vice president of Western Region & London Operations for Ameresco, sat down with Microgrid Knowledge during Microgrid 2022 to discuss how global trends...

Russia doesn’t know it, but it just made a strong case for local energy

April 27, 2022
Russia appears to be using energy as a weapon of war by cutting off natural gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. It also inadvertently made the case for local energy and microgrids...

Microgrid Talk: Energy politics and not poking the big bear

March 21, 2022
Energy is highly politicized which gets in the way of innovation. What can be done about this? And why is it important to avoid poking the bear — utilities?
Microgrid Talk: Energy experts describe the one statistic microgrid customers need to understand

Microgrid Talk: What’s the single statistic microgrid customers need to understand?

March 10, 2022
What energy statistics do microgrid customers need to understand? Microgrid Talk asked three microgrid experts who are well-versed in customer questions. Watch their answers here...
Courtesy of
Courtesy of

What Biden’s State of the Union indicates about the path ahead for microgrids

March 2, 2022
Industry leaders weigh in on the future of clean energy tax credits, domestic manufacturing, climate change policy and other influences on microgrids that President Joe Biden ...
Fort Hunter Liggett,

Army to equip all bases with microgrids by 2035 as part of carbon-free electricity goal

Feb. 9, 2022
Saying it wants to lead by example, the US Army plans to build a microgrid at each of its 130 bases worldwide as part of a larger climate strategy released on Tuesday.