
The Microgrid Knowledge Wires channel has breaking news and articles on electric transmission and distribution (T&D)
Source: urbans/Shutterstock.com

Streamlining grid interconnection to keep microgrid projects on track

June 14, 2022
Joe Williams, distributed energy resources product manager at Eaton, explains why interconnection is a top barrier to activating a microgrid.


Key Microgrid Trends Impacting the New Energy Landscape

Feb. 10, 2025
As we enter 2025, microgrids are driving the evolution of the New Energy Landscape, fueled by advancements in renewable energy and smart technology. I see several transformati...
Climate disasters have disrupted the electric grid over the last decade, highlighting the vulnerability and brittleness of the system. Credit: Shutterstock.com

The grid is not prepared for the 21st century

Jan. 10, 2022
A series of climate disasters has disrupted the electric grid over the last decade, highlighting the vulnerability and brittleness of the system. Learn about Think Microgrid’s...
By ART STOCK CREATIVE/Shutterstock.com

California Regulators to Tackle Payment for DERs Acting as Non-Wires Alternatives

Feb. 9, 2021
California regulators this week will take up a plan to pay distributed energy resources (DERs) used by utilities as non-wires alternatives.

Direct Current Microgrids to Power Europe’s Green Ambitions

Sept. 17, 2020
A new European project, TIGON, will develop technology and demonstrate how direct current (DC) microgrids can help the European Union’s (EU) electricity grids become greener, ...
Solar worker photo courtesy

Texas Customers Could Save $5.47 Billion with DERs, but Regulations Must Change

Nov. 20, 2019
Texas consumers could save $5.47 billion over ten years with distributed energy resources (DERs), but several necessary rule changes are hobbling along.
Photo by Alexander Limbach/Shutterstock.com

The Quick-Thinking, Self-Driving Energy Grid of the Future

Aug. 26, 2019
Get ready for an electric grid that requires almost no human intervention.
By PrzemyslawP/Shutterstock

Open Networks: Laying the Foundation for the UK’s Future Electricity Grid

Aug. 14, 2018
Yasmin Ali, a London-based writer for Microgrid Knowledge, offers insight into the ongoing restructuring of the UK grid, as distributed energy increasingly gives consumers an ...
By OpturaDesign/Shutterstock.com

Shouldn’t We Have More DC Microgrids?

May 29, 2018
DC microgrids offer a lot of advantages in today’s increasingly digitally networked, electrified world — yet they face challenges gaining acceptance on the US grid where AC dominates...